Unit5  What do they do?-Their parents’ jobs
Unit5  What do they do?-Their parents’ jobs
作者:宋宽容    教学科研来源:本站原创    点击数:211    更新时间:2024-01-25

  Unit5  What do they do?-Their parents’ jobs  


Story time  



1、运用书中插图简单猜测出故事中的Who? Where?并能结合插图和文字初步看懂故事大意。  


3、掌握一些阅读技巧,例如:skimming, scanning等。  


teacher, teach, writer, write, at home, doctor, help, sick, people, worker, work, factory  


What does he/she do? He/She is a …  


1. 学生能初步询问他人的职业。  

2. 对阅读技巧的掌握及对阅读产生一定的兴趣。  


单词卡片, PPT  


Step 1: Warming up   

1. Enjoy a song Jobs  

T: boys and girls, we enjoy a happy song. From the song, we know it’s about jobs. Follow me, read jobs.  

There are many jobs in the world, if we want to know people’s jobs, we can ask What do they do(揭题)  


Step 2: Pre-reading  

1. Know about me  

T:Do you remember the woman in the song ?  what does she do?  

Ss: She is a teacher.  

T:Yes, I’m a teacher too.  And I teach English. I have a lot of students.  

(教teacher teach   

2. About Miss Li  

T: Look , who is she?   

Yes, Miss Li is a teacher. She teaches English.    

teachteaches  注意读音,带读,生读  

Tips: teach teacher teaches   

Step 3: While-reading  

1. Know about Mike’s father  

T: Look , who is he?  He is Mike’s father.   

T: What does he do? How do you know? (读图)  

Yes, Mike’s father is a teacher. He teaches English too. We can say he is an English teacher.  

T: Guess, where does Mike’s father work  

2. Try to say about Mike’s mother (读图,猜测职业,提出问题)   

Is she an English teacher too?  

What does Mikes mother do?  

3. Watch and find  

4. Try to say  

What does Mike’s mother do?  

(教读单词write,  writer)  

5. Let’s learn  

Lu Xun is a writer. He writes books.  

(教读writewriteswrites books/stories)  

6. Look and say  (读图找线索,说出职业)  

What does Su Hai’ father do?   

What does Su Hai’ mother do?  

(教读单词a doctor, a worker)  

7. Ask and answer  

  同桌问答,说一说MikeSu Hai父母的职业  


  A: What does ... do?  

  B: He/She is a ...       


8. Know more about Mike's parents’ jobs  

(1) Listen and answer  

(2) Read after the computer  

(3) Try to say  

同桌合作,一人是Su Hai,一人是Mike,询问Mike父母的职业。  

9. Learn about Su Hai's parents’ jobs  

(1) Read and answer    自读49页对话,找到相关句子。  

(2) Check the answers with partner  

(3) Read and find  

   解读答案,教授helps sick people, factory  

(4) Read after the computer  


10. Read the story  


(1) Read after your partner.  

(2) Read with your partner.  

(3) Read in roles.  

11. Think and write  


Step 4: Post-reading  

1. Talk about your parents’ jobs  

Work in pairs. 与同桌讨论一下你家人的职业  


2. Think about the jobs    

T:What do you think of the jobs  

S: They’re important/meaningful/valuable/...  

T: People work to make life better. We should respect every job.   

Step 5: Homework  

1.      Read the story and retell it to your family or friends.  

2.      Talk about your parents’ jobs with your friends.  

3.      Write about your dream jobs and share with your friends.choose to do  





















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