6上 Unit7 Pritect the Earth
6上 Unit7 Pritect the Earth
作者:yxy8    教学科研来源:本站原创    点击数:1754    更新时间:2018-12-29

六上Unit7 Protect the Earth  

河塘中心 虞晓燕  

Step1 Warming-up  

1. Talk about the story and Enjoy a song.(课前)  

T: Boys and girls, Have you learned the story A mother and her son》?   

Can we talk about the story?  


3.TBefore class, we enjoyed a song.   

What’s the song about? (AB选项)  



揭题 Unit7 Protect the Earth(写板书)  

Step 2 Presentation  

1. Think and talk  

T: What can we do to protect the Earth?  

S: ...  

Now let’s watch the video and find out four ways in the story to protect the Earth.   


Pay attention, please. One, two , go.  

Wow, XXX , please. XXX, be ready. Others, listen carefully.  

So what can we do to protect the Earth?  


Save means “节约”, we shouldn’t use too much.  

Energy means “能源What is energy?  

(Coal is energy. Oil is energy. We also have other energy on Earth)  



3.T:They are made of plastic. What do we use plastic to make?  

We use plastic to make bags/bottles/rulers/chairs/tables/shoes/rubbish bins...  

(板书We use ...to..)  

T:We use plastic to make many things, so...  

Plastic is useful. (区别useuseful)  

(图片)T:Look at these pictures. Too much plastic is g bad for the Earth. They are white pollution.  

Too much plastic is bad for the Earth.  

TPlease don't use too much plastic.  

   What should we do? What shouldn't we do?  

T:Watch the cartoon and fill in blanks.  


T: Too much plastic is bad for the Earth.   

We shouldn't use too many plastic bags or bottles.   

We should use paper bags and glass bottles.  

(板书We should/ We shouldn't...  

开放性话题:In the supermarket, what should we use?  

basket, cloth bags  


T:Look at these two sentences.   

Can you use many and much to fill in blanks?.  

T: Can you tell me the rules?.  


5.呈现文本第4段,呈现老师的mind map  

T: I want to tell others not to use too much plastic .So I made a mind up about it. How to make a mind map?  

First, read and circle the key words of each sentence.  

Second, write down the title.  

Third, draw some lines. Link the key words and the title. Then put the key words into the right places.  

T:You can also use some pictures. Eg. it means bad...  

T: According this mind map, I can tell others:根据思维导图复述  

6.T: It's your turn to make your mind map about protecting the Earth.  

 Work in pairs. Each group has a task paper.  

    1. Try to read the text on your task paper. If you can't read the new words, you can ask me for help.  

    2. Try to make the mind map.  

    3.Try to retell the text. You can choose many ways. Choose one to retell. Or retell one by one or other way you like.  

Two important things for you: 1. I only give you 3 minutes.  

2. Please speak English.  

7.T: Which group can show yourselves?  

Save water  

T:We know water is useful.  

SWe use water to...  

(看图)In many places, there is not much water.  

We should save water. We should not waste water.  

We should reuse water.  

reuse=use again  

(拓展问题:TAt home ,how should we save water?)  

8.Save energy  

T: Coal is energy .We use coal to make electricity.  

Oil is energy .We use oil to drive cars.  

So most of our energy comes from coal and oil.  

T: What's other energy?  

拓展 Solar energy, Wind energy, Hydroenergy,  Nuclear energy.  

T: Cars use a lot of energy. Cars use a lot of oil.  

Lights use a lot of energy. Lights use a lot of coal.  

There's not much coal or oil on Earth.  

S:We should save energy.   

(拓展问题:THow should we save energy?  

6. Save trees  

wood, many other things, cut down   

T: It is wood.   

S: We use wood to make paper ,houses, toys, chopsticks...,  

T: Trees are useful. Smoke from cars and factories makes the air dirty. So trees help keep the air clean.  

(拓展问题:THow should we save trees?  

7. T: Now let's read a picture book about protecting the Earth..  


8. 总结今天所学的。  

TWhat have we learnt today?  


Step 3:Consolidation  

1.TWhat else should we do to protect the Earth?  

拓展Save electricity: We should turn off the lights when we go out.

Green commuting:  It's a green exercise to ride a bike, walk on foot...

Protect  animals: Animals are our friends.

Plant more trees: Trees are important and useful.

Sort rubbish: We should put the rubbish into different bins.

Donate clothes: We can donate clothes to people who need them.

Save paper: We should use both sides of the paper.

Don’t use disposable goods: It's bad for the Earth.  

T:Please choose one topic to tell us how to protect the Earth.  

Eg: I choose picture 4.  

Work in groups.  

2.TWe can do a lot of things to protect our Earth.  

Let's shout our slogans:3R  

Reuse/ Reduce/Recycle  

Step 4:Homework  

1.Enjoy a song

2. Make a mind map about our "3R" action.

教学科研录入:yxy8    责任编辑:jljh 
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